The Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute is proud to co-sponsor the International Humanitarian Law Roundtable (formerly Dialogs) held annually at the Chautauqua Institute near Jamestown, New York.  The IHL Roundtable brings together academics, human rights activists, and international law practitioners involved in both previous and ongoing international tribunals and trials at the International Criminal Court to discuss key issues in the field of international humanitarian law.

Upcoming event

The 14th International Humanitarian Law Roundtable
August 2020
London, United Kingdom – Postponed

Past Dialogs

The 13th International Humanitarian Law Roundtable 25 – 27 August 2019


12th Annual IHL Dialogs. August 26-28, 2018


11th Annual IHL Dialogs.  August 27-29, 2017

Eleventh Chautauqua Declaration


10th Annual IHL Dialogs.  September 29-30, 2016

10th IHL Dialogs Declaration at Nuremberg


9th Annual IHL Dialogs. August 30 – September 1, 2015

9th Chautauqua Declaration


8th Annual IHL Dialogs. August 24-26, 2014

8th Chautauqua Declaration


7th Annual IHL Dialogs.  August 25-27, 2013

7th Chautauqua Declaration


6th Annual IHL Dialogs. August 26, 2012

6th Chautauqua Declaration


5th Annual IHL Dialogs. August 28, 2011

5th Chautauqua Declaration


4th Annual IHL Dialogs. August 28, 2010

4th Chautauqua Declaration


3rd Annual IHL Dialogs. August 31, 2009

3rd Chautauqua Declaration


2nd Annual IHL Dialogs.  August 26, 2008

2nd Chautauqua Declaration


1st Annual IHL Dialogs.  August 29, 2007