WashU Law
One Brookings Drive
MSC 1120-250-258
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
T: (314) 935-6400
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MSC 1120-250-258
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
T: (314) 935-6400
Offices and Services
applylaw@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-4525Anheuser-Busch Hall 303International and Graduate Programs Admissions
gradlaw@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-3346Seigel Hall Suite 108Law School Advancement
law.alumni@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-2954AV - Multimedia
AV@wulaw.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-7667Anheuser-Busch Hall 245Business Office
law-accounting@wulaw.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-8676Seigel Hall Suite 108Dean’s Suite
lawdeansoffice@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-6420Anheuser-Busch Hall 402Center for Career Development
lawcareers@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-6451Anheuser-Busch Hall 325Center for Empirical Research in the Law
http://cerl.wustl.edu/Clinical Education
P:(314) 935-7238Anheuser-Busch Hall 105Event Services
P:(314) 935-6551Anheuser-Busch Hall 257 [All room reservation requests are subject to approval by the law school administration]Facilities Office
lawfacilities@email.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-6435Anheuser-Busch Hall 257Financial Aid
finance@wulaw.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-4605 (Residential Students)Anheuser-Busch Hall 210
(314) 935-6421 (Online Students)Law Café
P:(314) 935-3337Law Library - Administrative Offices
(314) 935-6440P:(314) 935-7125Anheuser-Busch Hall 455Law Library - Circulation & Reference Desk
reference@wulaw.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-6450Anheuser-Busch Hall, Third FloorLaw School Communications
webhelp@wulaw.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-6430Anheuser-Busch Hall 257Registrar & Student Life
registrar@wulaw.wustl.eduP:(314) 935-4610Anheuser-Busch Hall 210Technology Support
ithelp@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-8200Trial & Advocacy Program
rmance@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-6403Anheuser-Busch Hall 550DWhitney R. Harris World Law Institute
HarrisInstitute@wustl.eduP:(314) 935-7988Seigel Hall 108