Elizabeth Hubertz
Director, Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic; Professor of Practice
Elizabeth Hubertz is the Director of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic and a Professor of Practice. Member of the Illinois and Missouri Bars, she is an accomplished litigator, teaching and supervising law and undergraduate students as they handle environmental cases. She also teaches Pretrial Practice and Settlement and Environmental Law in the law school and Introduction to Environmental Law in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Education
- J.D., University of Virginia, 1991
- M.A., Northwestern University, 1988
- B.A., Wheaton College, 1986
- Courses
- Environmental Law
- Introduction to Environmental Law
- Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic
- Pretrial Practice and Settlement
- Areas of Expertise
- Litigation
- Environmental Law
- Publications
- Earth Mothers, Soy Boys, and Cool Dudes: Practicing Law while Protecting the Environment, (forthcoming 62 WASH. UNIV. J. L & Policy __ (2020))
- Loving the Sinner: Evangelical Colleges and Their LGB Students, 35 QUINNIPIAC L. REV. 147 (2017).
- Public Interest, Professional Bargains: Ethical Conflicts between Lawyers and Professional Engineers, 31 WASH. U. J.L. & POL’Y 83 (2009).
- Honors and Awards
- Awarded Missouri Lawyers’ Largest Plaintiff’s Settlement/Verdict (2013)
- Received National Law Journal’s Pro Bono Lawyer Award (2000)
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